Membership Fees - 1st Kesgrave Scout Group

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Membership Fees
Each member is asked to pay a membership fee and this is collected termly. The fee year runs from April to March.

The Executive Committee have have set the membership fee of each member of the Group at £31.00 per term (ie £93.00 per year).

The Group pay almost one half of these fees per member to District and Headquarters for membership fees and insurance for the year.

The balance of the membership fees, plus income from hiring the HQ, are used to meet the running costs of the Group ie badges, section expenses and the up keep of the hall.

Gift Aid
We have a gift aid scheme for reclaiming the tax on fees. This means that the group can reclaim money from the Inland Revenue. For our group we regularly claim over £3,000 per annum.

Many parents have signed a declaration already and technically do not need to sign again. But to keep things simple we ask you to say 'yes' to the gift aid in OSM Primary Contact 1 and / or Primary Contact 2.

Don’t forget to enter the amount paid for fees last year on your tax return.

Paying using Online Banking
You may pay your fees online if you wish the details are:

  • Account Name: 1st Kesgrave Scout Group Reg Charity 305662
  • Sort Code: 09-01-55
  • Account Number: 50820604

If you use this method them please reference your payment with your child's name if possible so that your payment can be identified on the Groups bank statements. This helps us with tracking all payments to the group.

Paying using Credit/Debit cards and Paypal
For some events we use either Paypal or Sumup to allow you to pay by card. Individual links will be sent with event information.

Paying Fees
What do you need to do at the beginning of each term?

You should receive an email from your section leader at the beginning of term about the fees. The email will contain links to the online forms that allow you to sign up for gift aid and also to pay your fees by card or paypal.

You can pay by online banking using the details above. Or if you want to pay by cash or cheque there are envelopes available at the hall. Please fill in the gift aid section if you can and mark as appropriate with your payment method (cash/cheque) and return the envelope to your section leader or to the top postbox next to the lift in the entrance of the hall.

What do I do if I am having problems paying the fees or event payments?
As a Group we are aware that there may be times when fees are hard to find. Please, if you do find yourself in this position, talk either to your section leader or Treasurer (see below).

We also try to be flexible with payments and with agreement you can make payments by instalments or use post dated cheques.

What do I do if I have any questions or require further information or help?
Contact the Treasurer:

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